Have the courage to speak.
There have been LOTS of visits to my blog, recently, but very few comments. I wonder what people think about when they read my blog. Please comment and let me know what you have been thinking. It's hard to proceed without a little positive/negative feedback. How has your thinking changed since you started reading this blog? Does anyone have the courage to say what they think? I have complete and utter faith.
I was molested by an extended family member as a child and didn't tell anybody until I was an adult. To this day I am not sure I was believed when I finally did tell. I am in awe of your courage. I hate that the statute of limitations has run on your case, but by coming forth you have possibly saved another child from going through what you went through and you have called the bastard's bluff. As Mzchief said earlier on, he'd be the first suspected if something happens to you now.
I encourage you to continue to seek justice. Tom Bishop "Pervert" should be yelled from the tops of the roofs all over Wise County. This man should be run out of town on a rail!
To be honest, I missed your first blogs & don't really need to know the details to know how hard this has to be for you. No matter the statute of limitations and what people say about you, you know what is true & what has happened. Please do not lose sight of that. I, also, have come from an abusive past. Although I have never confronted my demons, I know the truth. When this does calm down, my prayer is that you will look towards the future and enjoy the blessings that life has to offer. There is something wrong with people if they don't recall all the troubles that Tom Bishop has brought Wise County and thinks he could be above this. But then again, people love to wear blinders & not see the truth. (Including our own mothers.) I wish peace for you & your family.
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